Linda Blakely

I like to challenge myself moving through life, to experience new things. My triathlon aim is to finish among the top girls in the world in my age group at Kona, the Ironman World championships. I try to work hard, train hard, be a good person, and always aim to be happy. After summiting Everest and Lhotse in 2018 I discovered that I really enjoy a journey where you set yourself a challenge, train hard for that challenge and then set out to see if you can make it. Overcoming the fear of the unknown is more important to me than success. It's the journey that matters, what you can discover about yourself and also the experience. I'm currently planning a new pretty extreme challenge for 2023 but its under wraps yet and all will be revealed when the groundwork has been laid. Through this challenge I will be aiming to raise as much money as possible for the NSPCC, an amazing but unfortunately much needed charity. Then theres another completely different challenge in the pipeline for 2024. So watch this space and travel along with me for some interesting adventures.