Atlantic Row 2023

More information to follow. 

Arrival in Port Elizabeth – South Africa.

So I arrived in South Africa 4 days before race day. I must say that before flying out with the tendonitis problem, I’d felt quite depressed. I had worked so hard out in Spain over the winter months and everything had been going great and then these things just happen. On a 120k bike ride I felt so low I started to cry and had to turn back after only 10km. My heart just wasn’t

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Tendinitis & cortisone injection

Just before going to camp I realised I was having a pain in my right foot on the outside half way down, when I ran. As most of us do at the beginning, I ignored it and thought ‘it’ll go away’. Well it didn’t. It got worse and at training camp I kept it to swim/ bike only. When I returned I went to Pure Sports Medicine (Kensington branch) for investigation. We did an ultrasound

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Lanzarote Training Camp : 6 – 11th March

Day One 6.30am Up, wetsuit on 7am Sea Swim while the sun comes up 8am Breakfast, then Bike. 81km, 1000m ascent : Over the vineyards and today we did the El Golfo loop which is a 10 mile TT to get our times for the handicapped TT later in the week. Run – 30 min 6km run Day Two 7am Sea Swim 8am Breakfast, then Bike 130km, 1800m ascent :  quite a chunk of the IM

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Last few days of winter training in Spain

 Mia Casa  Arcos My temporary home Arcos My lovely pool Separate beds  Ubrique Bike routeRun route After arriving here on 28th December with my cat and my P5, I can honestly say I’ve never worked harder. My coach Darren Jenkins from Nevagivin Training sets my program and at times I thought he’d gone a bit mental. I think if you can survive his program you can definitely bring it on race day. So as my time out here comes to an

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