Atlantic Row 2023

More information to follow. 

Awards Ceremony & Kona Slots post IM Brazil

What a roller coaster of emotions. I went to the awards ceremony only to look at the official results up on the wall and I was now down as fifth place. A girl from nowhere appeared as the winner with no swim time, no bike time and no run time. Just an overall finish time. I queried it with the race director and he said she lost her chip in the swim and they had

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Race Report Ironman Florianopolis, Brazil : 8th May 2017

Well it was deja vue, standing on the beach at 7am in the pissing rain. Exactly the same as last year. My age group was absolutely stacked. It read like a Who’s Who of AWA athletes. Over 20 of us. Many of these girls I know to be really fast and specialise a bit more at the 70.3s so I was hoping it would come down to endurance. Speed is not really my best asset

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Race Report Ironman 70.3 Vietnam: 8th May 2017

Its a very civilised start here, rolling swim start at 8.20am. So I had a good sleep and a good breakfast. I positioned myself in the sub 30 min swim pen towards the back of the group as I’m well used to putting myself in the correct place only to find I’m surrounded and held up by considerably slower swimmers perhaps being far too optimistic. So I decided that in order now to be in

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Disaster in South Africa – Ironman South Africa 2nd April

So the race I so dearly love just shot me straight through the heart. I had a good swim for me out here in this big sea swell. Was very happy with 1:07. Had good transition and was off on the bike feeling strong. Then just under an hour into the bike we had to do a hard right turn and go up a hill. I took the turn maybe bit fast and went over

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Winter training and injury

So I went out to Spain for January and February to escape the cold winter here in the UK and wanted a good start to the year with a nice ten week training block away from the pressures of work/ home life. It was to be great preparation for my first race in 2017, Ironman South Africa on 2nd April. Then unfortunately I picked up an injury right at the start of Jan and I wasn’t able

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Race Report – Ironman Barcelona 2nd October 2016

The lead in to this race had been fine until a couple of weeks before the race. I had a suspected stress fracture in my leg and so based on professional advice my race was ‘off’. I took advantage of this time to catch up with friends and ‘socialise’. Ie: go out, have fun and drink a lot of alcohol. I still planned to travel to Barcelona and have a holiday and watch the race

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