Atlantic Row 2023

More information to follow. 

Blog Catch Up & IM Cozumel 2020

After a couple of years of not keeping my blog up to date, I’m back. In the missing period I’ve done IM Australia (5th – missed 4th place by going wrong on the bike leg and eded up in a car park, lost a valuable 5 or 6 minutes and lost 4th place by about one minute) I also did Kona again in 2019 (23rd I think) and I qualified for Kona agin in 2020

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My Kona Dream Come True. 14/10/2017

My race report 85,000 athletes from 40 races around the world. Whittled down to 2300. And finally I was one of them ? Competing in the most iconic single day endurance event in the world. With the weeks counting down before Kona I found myself feeling very flat and really quite depressed. My bike watts were showing I was struggling to push 100 watts (!!??!!) and having had grade one leg bone stress I had

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Ironman 70.3 World Championships – Chatanooga, Tennessee, USA.

This would be the first time diving off the edge of the pontoon in a race for me. When I got to the edge I decided I didn’t want to lose my goggles so I just jumped in and started swimming. The course was the usual rectangle. We had to swim further upstream against the current than the return journey with a different exit to entrance. The hydro electric power plant was supposed to be

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Long Distance Triathlon World Champs – Penticton

So, back to Ironman. I came off the mountain and rested for a month. I started training again beginning of August and as soon as I started to get the running going, the same old pain was back. I had an MRI scan which showed up grade 1 stress in each leg abut 8cm long. No fracture line yet which was good news. So thats pretty much no running for a month. I arrived at

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