I woke up during the night to an amazing thunder and lightning storm. I looked out, saw my laundry still on the washing line and thought oh well, a final rinse lol.
The day brought hot sunshine, this is probably the hottest day so far of the whole trip. My clothes dried quickly and I removed them from the line and packed my bag, ready for the 7am heli back up to base camp in the morning.
I’d be lying if I said the nerves weren’t starting to build now. I try and keep my mind on other things to be honest. I’ll just keep taking it one step at a time and breaking it down. If I think about summit day I’ll have heart failure lol. Although when I get to base camp I’ll have to go through everything and pack my oxygen mask, regulator and go through the process so I don’t forget anything I need for that all important day. God willing I make it there.

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