Pretty uneventful but I manage to get a lovely hot shower in at my guesthouse and for lunch we go to Ang Gelu’s sisters house just down the Main Street here. It was really nice. We had Dahl bat, Craig had some Kukri rum with coke and I had a beer. Ang Gelu refuses to have any alcohol until after the trip.
I also give my laundry to the girls working here at the guesthouse so I’ll have nice clean clothes again to go with nice clean body. These little things are now luxuries. It’s going to be so lovely when I get home and appreciate these things that we take for granted too often. For a while anyway lol.
The weather up the big hill appears to be very windy now so we decide to stay in civilisation for another night. I’m very happy with that lol. So we’ll be here tonight and tomorrow night. Then fly back up to base camp on 10th May.

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