So we have a plan now that Ang Galou is back. We have a rest day today and then we have early dinner this evening at 6pm, try and sleep although I know I won’t be able to, then we get up just after midnight at 1am, have breakfast and start walking at 1.30/1.45 to move up to camp one. We sleep at camp one, then walk to camp two and back to camp 1, sleep a second night at camp 1.

Then we move to camp two. And sleep two nights at camp two.

We have to take all our stuff for higher up camps to leave at camp two as well. Our heavier sleeping bag, the big down suit, a thermarest sleeping pad etc. It’s great to finally be on the move but I know how tough it’s gonna be. I will be pushed to exhaustion but I’ll get there.

So this will be the last of my blog for about a week until we get back down here to base camp.

Our plan of rotations.

Because we slept on Lobouche, we can omit the first rotation which is to go up and sleep at camp one and come back down.

So we go straight to rotation 2 which is as described above up to camp two and down again.

Rest few days at base camp.

Last rotation straight from base camp to camp 2, sleep, then up camp 3 and try and sleep there without oxygen. Although I use the word ‘sleep’ loosely as you can’t really sleep at such high altitude, you’re restless and it’s hard to breathe but spending the night there without oxygen will help the body acclimatise to that level.

Return to base camp.

We will then be acclimatised as much as we can be so we will go down to Namche for a week rest and relaxation, to breathe oxygen rich air again, get some good food inside us, have good sleep in a proper bed and a proper shower. Then when we have rested a week, we will take a chopper back up to base camp and be ready for the weather window when we will make our way over 3 days all the way up to camp 4. This is the last camp, the south col. The part of the mountain that ties Everest to Lhotse. From camp 4 it’s set out for the summit.

So as you can see, there is an awfully long way to go and we are only starting step 1.

Some people for the rest week have flown all the way back to Kathmandu but I think that’s too far removed from the mountain. Mentally I would switch off and not want to come back. The next time I’m in Kathmandu I want to be drinking Everest beer and having a good time.

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