With my booty

So I popped along to the Canadians puja, actually they’re French Canadians, which is maybe why they’re a bit strange. When I was at the Long Distance Triathlon World Champs in Penticton I found the Canadians to be really lovely, friendly people. I think French Canadians are a bit alike the Catalonia’s trying to distinguish themselves and being rather insular. They told us early on they don’t speak English and it was obvs they wanted to be totally separate.
So it was nice to see the slight differences with their puja. It was done by a different Lama and at one point there was a flour fight breaking out. We have to throw flour and rice at the chorten with the flags, apparently to the gods. Well when we had to throw the rice, unfortunately for the French Canadians they were right in my line of fire and my throw wasn’t strong enough to send the rice over their heads onto the Chorten so it came down all over them. Craig was beside me and laughed.
True to form I picked up some good booty, couple of lagers, a Mars bar and a Snickers bar. My little store cupboard for up high is looking rather healthy now with lots of goodies. (The lager is for base camp though on rest days).
Now I’m off with Bob to walk the 4 hour round trip to Gorekshep to put pictures on my blog and get a WiFi signal. It’s a nice walk, undulating and not that much descent/ ascent.

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