Putting the rubber on in the dark
Putting the rubber on in the dark
My lovely roomie
My lovely roomie
Super heroes Time Trial up Tabeyesco mountain
Super heroes Time Trial up Tabeyesco mountain

IMG_7961Cos this is what you need to wear when busting your ass for 40 minutes up the side of a mountain.

Top of Femes
Top of Femes
Coffee stop on top of the mountain
Coffee stop on top of the mountain
The penultimate night, before the big ride
The penultimate night, before the big ride
Reduced to supermarket loitering stops on the big last day of 8 hour riding
Reduced to supermarket loitering stops on the big last day of 8 hour riding
Back home. The Lanza IM course in the bag, time for shower, eat, change and hit Ruta 66 night club in time honoured fashion.
Back home. The Lanza IM course in the bag, time for shower, eat, change and hit Ruta 66 night club in time honoured fashion for hours of drinking and ‘dancing/ jumping’. God Bless Puerto Del Carmen night life.

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