Denali Day Seven – 10th June

 Here’s Jo carrying the ’empty’ toilet bin, that green thing sticking out of the back of her rucksack that she thought was rathe heavy.

 Still got no idea at this point. Taking a toilet for a ride!

Day Seven – Saturday 10th June

Holy crap man, this shit just got very real. Today was so tough. Physically. And with the Denali wind right in our faces it was certainly challenging and enduring.

We woke up and had the usual breakfast. Porridge and Morning Glory. The weather was looking alright so after breakfast we loaded up our backpacks and decided to leave the sleds and just carry on our backs. The group stuff like food and fuel is divied up in bags and we all take one each. We were also caching our food and snacks for high camp. There were a few odds and ends left over and our guide leader Andy asked if someone would carry an empty green toilet bin that had a fuel bottle inside it. Jo said she would carry it.

We went up a really steep hill called motorcycle hill and then passed a big steep drop to our left, then up another really really steep hill called Squirrel Hill and had a little rest and put helmets on. There are many crevasses here. Jo said this gas bottle was getting really heavy and asked if someone else would take a turn. One of guys took it and said it was too heavy for him. Then guide Eric said take the fuel out of the toilet bin. So Jo opened it and was looking at a whole load of shit. Oops. She had carried a full toilet all the way up these bloody tough hills. Super Woman stuff. So it was left at the side of the track to be brought back down to camp on the return. Cue the jokes at dinner this evening.

Then we went around windy corner which lived up its name alright and were blasted in the face by Miss Denali and then finally one last hill with no name that we decided to call Kick Ass Hill.  Then we walked a little further on and finally reached our cache area at 13,200 feet. We had travelled two miles in four hours ascending 2000 feet (666m) and then the return back down to camp took about hour and half. I played music all the way up on my iPod and it really makes a big difference. This morning I was really nervous and when we tied in to the rope I almost felt like I could cry. I always get a little emotional at altitude. I was worried about carrying the pack and the steepness of what I was about to do. Especially given whatever the weather was going to throw at us. But in the end the weather turned out to be alright (just apart from windy corner) and I felt strong all the time. Both in my legs and carrying ability. I think the couple rest days in the tent here has helped my recovery from my ironman race a week and half ago. I feel now like I have a little bit more confidence and I really hope I can make it to the top. The success rate is still low with bad weather and there are still two more camps to go. Hopefully all being well we will be at camp four out of five tomorrow. And have data. Yippee.

Dinner was beef burritos with rice and cheese.

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