Day Four 7th June

We were up at 4pm for hot drinks and breakfast of French toast. The view is absolutely amazing here. We are so high and surrounded by enormous, majestic white beasts all around. During the morning a military group came down and gave us the news that the guy in the crevasse at camp one was alive. They had sent half their team down to assist. So that was a nice bit of good news. He had been in the crevasse 12 hours so he had hypothermia. We don’t know what bodily injuries but he was alive. It brings it home how dangerous it is here.

Now we are resting in our bags and at 6pm we will start getting ready to go down the big hill to retrieve our cache and then bring it back up here to camp. I’m not looking forward to that bloody hill again. But hopefully it will be easier second time around.

Although this is our camp two, for most groups this their camp three. (See photo of route map). We skipped camp two because it’s in a very exposed, windy col so it was safer to cache stuff there and return to camp one and then move directly up to camp three. Then retrieve our stuff from what would have been camp two. So although we are at ‘our’ camp two, we’re really at camp 3 now.

9.30pm and we have returned with our stuff. We will have dinner and go to bed at last at proper night time. Yay. It feels so good to have the days walking already done. Normally we would only have been an hour or so into the slog.

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