Sunday 13 May – Day 45 : Camp 1 to Camp 2

We woke up leisurely with the sun hitting the tent. It’s such a luxury to be able to get up when it’s warm instead of freezing cold. After breakfast of boiled egg and cornflakes with hot milk we packed up and left.
Thank God this is the last time I will climb this bloody big wall. We made our way slowly to Camp Two. Everyone is moving slowly. It takes us four and half hours but we did have a little traffic jam at the big wall. But still it’s a lot slower than the three hours before. I start to worry whether I am spent now. This really is a very big mountain and it feels like we’ve been up and down it a million times. Although it’s the third time. I think the Sherpas go up and down it a million times.
We reach Camp 2 and eat noodle soup and settle in for the night. Tomorrow is a tough day up the Lhotse face.

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