Saturday 19 May – Day 51- Departure from base camp: Start the 3 day walk out

So I’m packing my tent stuff up now and feeling a bit sad. Earlier I felt like I’d ‘come home’ back to basecanp to my tent where I know exactly what’s in each pocket like we know at ‘home’ home what’s in every cupboard. This little piece of canvas has held my life for almost the last two months. I’m now out the other side, jubilant and of course happy to be heading home. But it’s the end of my mountain life now. I came here full of hopes and dreams and it couldn’t have gone better. I faced all my fears, I was terrified and horrified all together up on Everest summit ridge and the ice fall wasn’t exactly easy either so a small part of me doesn’t want it to end. I was asked before coming here what was I hoping to find at the top and I know now it was inner peace and self acceptance.

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