Walk out and 4 day imprisonmemt in Lukla

After three days of walking to Lukla, the weather turned. We arrived and Lukla was shrouded in fog for the next 4 days.

I soon regretted my decision to ‘walk out’ instead of what most people were doing: getting the helicopter down. I thought it would finish the mountain off properly. Although with hindsight maybe we should have just choppered out.

We managed to get out of Lukla on 25 th May, 4 days after arriving and my international flight from Kathmandu to London was 26 th so I didn’t have a lot of time in the decompression chamber.

I’m now back home and I’m readjusting to normal life again. After desperately wanting to get into a normal bed I find myself missing waking up in a tent. I miss Ang Gelu and I now don’t have a daily agenda or plan. It feels a little weird after two months on the mountain but as usual, life will settle into its routine again. It’s just I have to find what that is now after I’ve finished with the thing that drove me on every day for these past five months and was my reason for being and training even before I flew out to Nepal.

I had such a wonderful time and I had an amazing team. I thank Babu, Craig Van Hoy, my guardian angel Ang Gelu and Sherpas Sonam and Nima for helping make my big dream come true.

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