Friday 11 May – Day 43 – Rest day at base camp before summit push

Wow, what a night that was. The wind was crazy and the snow came down sideways. Even in the morning it continued until about 8am. You would hear in the distance a sound like a train rattling and getting closer and closer until the tent started to shake violently. It was quite amazing.
We had a lovely surprise at breakfast- bacon. It was so tasty and delicious. What a fab little treat.
Weather window is showing the best day to summit is 15 th so a lot of people will be going for that. It’s supposed to last until 18th so I’ll be going for summiting Everest on 16th and God Willing Lhotse on 18th.
I leave in the morning 4:30am with Ang Gelu for Camp one.
It’s 19:50 hrs and I’ve just got into my sleeping bag. I feel so nervous that I couldn’t eat my dinner this evening. Which is really stupid because I’ve been through the icefall two and half times now and been up to Camp 3. It should be later on that I feel nervous when leaving Camp 3 I to unknown territory. I keep telling myself not to be so daft but I can’t help the feelings. I really want to make the summit so much but I have to break it down again into small steps, day by day if I’m to keep myself sane. I think it’s all the talk about weather windows and summit day that has put me on edge. Right now I just want to get to Camp One.

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