It was so lovely to sleep in a bed last night. I also went out for chicken burger and chips and had a beer.
Today I am going to have my hair washed in the little hair washing place. I’m not sure it lives up to the name salon but we’ll see. I’ll also have a shower and get some laundry done. Ah to feeling human again.
Well what a strange day. I spent two hours at the bank trying to get money out.
Then the laundry wasn’t working because there’s no electricity. And the hair salons said the same thing. I found a barber shop that washed hair and also did dye for 9 US dollars. So I took this option. I sat down and the man did a good job of putting the dye on. Then another man came with a jar of face cream. I asked how much and was told 6 dollars. So I agreed. It would be good for my sunburn.
After he rubbed the cream in the hair man then started pummelling my back. I wondered how much this was going to cost and decided well they can have a few extra bob. It’s a hard life here. So with the hair dye and the face cream it amounted to 15 USD. I reckoned another 10 for ten mins really bad pummelling. I won’t call it a massage ad my nephew did a better shoulder rub when he was three. So they proceeded to sort of rinse my hair very roughly upside down in the sink and then he tried to put a comb through it the right way up. Oh dear I’m not sure they have experience with long female hair. I pointed to a brush and said I would do it. So I did. The electricity was too low for the hairdryer to work. It would have taken a week to dry. I said it’s alright. It will dry outside. How Much? He told me fifty dollars. I said, ‘what???, how much is Massge?’ And he said 30 dollars. I said ‘no, that’s too much, I’m not paying that. You didn’t say that’. Then he said ‘okay 40 dollars’. I said ‘no, anyway I don’t have it’. After two hours in the bank I’d been told to go back later for the money so I only had 25 dollars and some change. I put that on the desk and left the shop.
After speaking to Craig later and telling him what happened he said I paid over anyway. I don’t mind being ripped off a bit or paying over the odds for stuff here. But that was absolutely ridiculous. The problem is I have to walk past their shop every time into town and back but I don’t care. I will tell them what I think if they try and come near me again.
I have a nice lunch with Craig and Ang Gelu and I eventually get some money out of the bank. I have to have a shower and get laundry done tomorrow. The weather is not great today and clothes wouldn’t dry anyway.

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