Friday 4th May – Day 36 – Rest day

 Our kitchen and dining room at Camp Two  Chongba melting ice for water Me with Neema having porridge For breakfast 

I wake about 7am. I need to pee in my bottle. I get back inside my sleeping bag as it’s not that warm yet. By 8am the sun is on the tent. I shake the sides of snow now to let the sun warm the tent and very soon I’m taking my gloves, hat, jacket and jumper off. Now I’m just in my green pyjamas. Chongba brings hot tea to the tent. Ah, after yesterday life is good again. I go to the kitchen for breakfast and then the day’s agenda is resting. And trying not to worry or get myself in a state about the Lhotse face tomorrow. I pray to God I can make it. I will try and eat well today for energy.
It’s 6.30pm and I’m fighting the nerves. I remind myself we’re only going up to tag camp3 and then we can go down to civilisation but I can’t help the feelings in my stomach. I have to be positive and believe I can do it. The best things in life are on the other side of fear. I know that. You just have to get the courage to walk through the door.
Dinner arrives and I have no appetite but I know I must eat. It’s pasta so I just concentrate on putting 5 pieces on the fork at a time, putting it in my mouth and just chewing it for a little bit before trying to swallow it like it’s a tablet. It’s certainly not an enjoyable process. After a while and a couple of gags I think just 5 more forkfuls. I manage 7. There’s still quite an amount of pasta on the plate but I feel that I’ve done well. I must have eaten about 50 pieces. I decide to top up some calories with jelly babies.

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