Cake made at base camp   Craig with his special birthday KhataBirthday celebrations in the dining tent  Bob is in the very right corner

Today is Craig’s birthday. But it’s a sad day. Bob went out to see if he could jumar but the arm is not playing ball. It’s not going to work so Bob has decided to leave the trip. I’m really sad for him and also selfishly for me too. I really wanted to do this together and I will miss his company. Bob is a good man, a gentleman and a great climber.
Before dinner he comes to my tent with lots of edible goodies and treats. He says to take what I want and leave the rest on the communal table in the dining tent. There’s no point in him bringing them back on the plane but I still feel like a vulture sifting through and taking what I want.
After dinner Sherpas Sonam, Ang Gelou, Neema and two of the kitchen lads come in with a big cake for Craig’s birthday. They also have small bottles of Nepalese rum which we all have couple of glasses of mixed with Tenzing drink. There is much merriment in our dining tent this evening, we play Nepali music and the Sherpas dance and sing along while we all drink the rum and eat cake. It’s bittersweet though for it’s Bobs last night but what a night to remember up here at 5300m above sea level, perched on the side of Everest.

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