2018 Everest/Lhotse

Thursday 17 May – Day 49 : Everest

We’ve been climbing steadily a couple of hours up towards the balcony which is where we hit the ‘corner’ of Everest and make a right turn all along the ridge line.We were moving well until a bit before hitting the balcony and we got caught up in a line of slow movers. We stop a long time between each step but there are too many people to overtake and in the dark it’s too dangerous,

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Friday 18 May – Day 50 – Lhotse

So it’s the normal drill again. Up at stupid o’clock, drink a coffee and get suited up. I go outside for a pee before putting my harness on. It’s such a palaver. My hands are freezing in the glove liners but I can’t get zip of the rainbow flap of my underwear all in one closed. I can’t seem to grip the little zip and not only my fingers now hit my arse is starting

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Saturday 19 May – Day 51- Departure from base camp: Start the 3 day walk out

So I’m packing my tent stuff up now and feeling a bit sad. Earlier I felt like I’d ‘come home’ back to basecanp to my tent where I know exactly what’s in each pocket like we know at ‘home’ home what’s in every cupboard. This little piece of canvas has held my life for almost the last two months. I’m now out the other side, jubilant and of course happy to be heading home. But

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Walk out and 4 day imprisonmemt in Lukla

After three days of walking to Lukla, the weather turned. We arrived and Lukla was shrouded in fog for the next 4 days. I soon regretted my decision to ‘walk out’ instead of what most people were doing: getting the helicopter down. I thought it would finish the mountain off properly. Although with hindsight maybe we should have just choppered out. We managed to get out of Lukla on 25 th May, 4 days after

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Thursday 17 May – Day 49 : Everest

We’ve been climbing steadily a couple of hours up towards the balcony which is where we hit the ‘corner’ of Everest and make a right turn all along the ridge line.We were moving well until a bit before hitting the balcony and we got caught up in a line of slow movers. We stop a long time between each step but there are too many people to overtake and in the dark it’s too dangerous,

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Friday 18 May – Day 50 – Lhotse

So it’s the normal drill again. Up at stupid o’clock, drink a coffee and get suited up. I go outside for a pee before putting my harness on. It’s such a palaver. My hands are freezing in the glove liners but I can’t get zip of the rainbow flap of my underwear all in one closed. I can’t seem to grip the little zip and not only my fingers now hit my arse is starting

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Saturday 19 May – Day 51- Departure from base camp: Start the 3 day walk out

So I’m packing my tent stuff up now and feeling a bit sad. Earlier I felt like I’d ‘come home’ back to basecanp to my tent where I know exactly what’s in each pocket like we know at ‘home’ home what’s in every cupboard. This little piece of canvas has held my life for almost the last two months. I’m now out the other side, jubilant and of course happy to be heading home. But

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Walk out and 4 day imprisonmemt in Lukla

After three days of walking to Lukla, the weather turned. We arrived and Lukla was shrouded in fog for the next 4 days. I soon regretted my decision to ‘walk out’ instead of what most people were doing: getting the helicopter down. I thought it would finish the mountain off properly. Although with hindsight maybe we should have just choppered out. We managed to get out of Lukla on 25 th May, 4 days after

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