Denali Day Sixteen -19 th June

 Looking down on the rolls of ‘cotton wool’ clouds, not too shabby a place to be ‘stuck’. Day Sixteen -19 th June

Mike and I had breakfast. I had a granola bar and packet of baked goldfish. (These are like mini cheddars in the shape of fish lol, not real goldfish) and we heard on the radio that the team below us, team 7 (team 6 already left the mountain early on) has someone with an injured knee and they wanted to know would we go down with them. Andy from high camp wanted to know the weather. Mike went to the weather board and its high winds for tomorrow up to 35 mph. That’s a definite no go on the summit. And we have no more days left. The push up to high camp always only rested on Tuesday as we got stuck in camp 4. These high winds were already predicted before they left on one forecast. I feel for Jo who really deserves the summit but she of all people knows only too well the way of the big mountains. And she has respect for them.

If Mike can get Andy on the radio and tell them the weather then they will prob come down today and we can all descend together. There’s also a load of snow to come down tonight so it’s not a good idea to stay up there if they know there’s no way they can go for the summit.

So we heard from Andy and they’re going to wait to make a decision in the morning with 70% chance of coming down.

The injured person below will go out with some other people.

So Mike and I will hike up the hill again just to move the legs and for something to do and that’s about it until dinner time with another freeze dried bag.

I am really and truly fed up going up this hill now and not going anywhere. For me, it’s the last time.

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