Denali Day Eight – Sunday 11 th June

Day Eight – Sunday 11 th June

5.30am we get the news from our team 4 up at 14,000 feet that windy corner has winds of 40mph north wind, same direction as yesterday so with the wind chill it would be extremely cold. It is much colder today and overnight has been a whole load of snow dumped on us. The high winds mean we can’t make the move up. Team four have been stuck there for a week now. We will make the move tomorrow. We have breakfast of muffin with scrambled egg and burger and dig out the snow around our tents and restake them. It is sooo much colder. So a rest day today. Breakfast is good banter. We tell jokes and funny stories about ourselves. Morale is high and we have bonded well. Guide leader Andy has a communication system called ‘In Reach’. We are able to get some messages home. And me and Jo also learn about the hung parliament at home. We try to explain to the Americans how the voting system works and what a hung parliament means.

Dinner was chicken and pasta with some red pesto sauce. We had a couple spoonfuls each of rhubarb crumble with chocolate sprinkles. It was freeze dried but bloody marvellous.

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