So I went out to Spain for January and February to escape the cold winter here in the UK and wanted a good start to the year with a nice ten week training block away from the pressures of work/ home life. It was to be great preparation for my first race in 2017, Ironman South Africa on 2nd April.
Then unfortunately I picked up an injury right at the start of Jan and I wasn’t able to run.

I swam and biked my way through the frustration, trying to stay positive in the face of increasing unlikelihood of getting my run fitness back. It wasn’t looking good.  I swung between days of staying positive and knowing it’s all par for the course through to days where I was down and frustrated and then throw in a few when I just wanted to head butt anyone who came remotely close by. I still don’t really know what went wrong or how it happened. Except we think it’s the soleus muscle. Or possibly the Achilles. Maybe. It appears that I’m flat footed with tight calves and my running mechanics aren’t great.

I was seeing a physio and an osteopath while not running for 8 weeks. I have now restarted running last week and I’m pleased to say that I have managed to run for a whole hour now pain free so I have two weeks till race day to try and build it up a bit and get some run fitness back.

At least come 2nd April I will be on that start line. And in whatever shape I’m in, I’ll just do the best that I can. I still believe I am in with a chance of qualifying for Kona 

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