So Cathy was feeling little better this morning so the helicopter wasn’t required but it sure was busy. She went down on horseback with Brian walking beside.
As we walked along the valley from Pheriche to where had lunch at Dugla we saw rescue helicopter after rescue helicopter. All taking sick people off the mountain and dropping them to the clinic at Pheriche.
After lunch we walked uphill past the memorial which was really sad. It has shrines to people who’ve died on the mountain. Rob Hall and Scott Fischers shrines are there. But obvs there’s no bodies as they’re still on the mountain. Some have pictures of the climbers who’ve died with little slogans ‘always aim high’ , ‘never give up’. There was a picture of a beautiful young girl. Very sad.
So now we’re at a lodge in Lobouche and it’s really really cold. The rooms have no lights but the shared toilet has a seat so that’s a bonus. Even though we can’t sit on it for germs, it still looks better lol.
Today the real shit just started. It’s hard to walk. Even harder to breathe and you have to breathe with a buff over your mouth so you don’t get Khumbu cough from the cold air going in. But the people in my group are fantastic and we are laughing our way up.
So tomorrow we go to Everest base camp. Exciting.

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